


  应我室李昕欣主任的邀请,美国塔夫茨大学教授Fiorenzo Omenetto,将于1210日(本周三)下午2点在五号楼三楼大报告厅做题为The Metamorphosis of Silk Fibers - A Technological Transformation of Biomaterials的学术报告。 


     The use of biologically derived materials is increasingly finding application and utility in the technological domains.  Among natural materials, silk has proven particularly interesting for its properties ­ specifically, the ability to exist in more than one form (either metastable or stable).  This material polymorphism offers the opportunity to explore multiple applications that hinge on the ability to control silks structure, morphing a natural fiber into multiple technologically relevant formats. 

      This talk will describe the transformation process of native silk fibers into engineered materials and their applications. Such materials embody a confluence of form and function, and enable a series of approaches in the optical and electronic domains that operate at the interface of biology and technology. 


  Fiorenzo Omenetto教授现为美国塔夫茨大学(Tufts University)工程院主管科研领域的常务副院长,同时担任生物医学工程和物理系正教授,并获Frank C. Doble荣誉教授称号。Fiorenzo Omenetto教授现为Fellow of the Optical Society of AmeicaFellow of the Ameican Physical Society。研究领域包括:非线性光学、纳米材料、微纳加工以及新型生物材料。Fiorenzo Omenetto教授开创性的将天然蚕丝蛋白应用到包括光学、电子学、光电子学、组织工程在内的一系列前沿科学领域,成果发表在包括ScienceNatureNature PhotonicsNature Nanotechnology在内的一系列顶级学术期刊,被国际上包括美国ABC、英国BBC在内的众多知名媒体多次专题采访报道,并被MIT' Technology Review评为改变未来的十大科技之一。Fiorenzo Omenetto教授在2010年与苹果公司创始人Steve Jobs、阿里巴巴创始人马云等人一起入选美国财富杂志评选的“全球50大最具创新意识科技人物”。 

