
Bram Nauta教授学术报告通知


应一室与六室邀请,IEEE固态电路杂志主编、IEEE院士,国际著名集成电路设计专家Bram Nauta教授近期访问我所开展学术交流,学术报告安排如下:


报告人:Bram Nauta

时间:2010.03.24  上午9:00~11:30



Bram Nauta教授1964年生于荷兰Hengelo,在荷兰Twente大学拿到硕士学位(1987)与博士学位(1991)。他目前是Twente大学的集成电路设计中心主任。Bram Nauta教授发表国际杂志论文40多篇,国际会议论文100多篇。他是目前国际上最权威的高速模拟CMOS电路专家。
他担任的学术职务有IEEE JSSC杂志副主编(2001-2006)、主编(2007至今);IEEE TCAS–II 杂志的副主编(1997-1999)。他还是三大集成电路界最有影响力的国际会议(ISSCC,VLSI, ESSCIRC)的学术委员。他曾获得ISSCC Van Vessem杰出论文奖。他目前是IEEE的杰出讲师,IEEE固态电路协会管理委员会委员,IEEE院士。
Bram Nauta was born in Hengelo, The Netherlands in 1964. In 1987 he received the M.Sc degree (cum laude) in electrical engineering from the University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands. In 1991 he received the Ph.D. degree from the same university on the subject of analog CMOS filters for very high frequencies.
  In 1991 he joined the Mixed-Signal Circuits and Systems Department of Philips Research, Eindhoven the Netherlands, where he worked on high speed AD converters and analog key modules.  In 1998 he returned to the University of Twente, as full professor heading the IC Design group, which is part of the CTIT Research Institute. His current research interest is high-speed analog CMOS circuits. Besides, he is also part-time consultant in industry and in 2001 he co-founded Chip Design Works. 
  His Ph.D. thesis was published as a book: Analog CMOS Filters for Very High Frequencies, (Springer, 1993) and he received the "Shell Study Tour Award" for his Ph.D. Work. From 1997 until 1999 he served as Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems -II; Analog and Digital Signal Processing. After this, he served as Guest Editor,  Associate Editor (2001-2006) - and from 2007 as Editor-in-Chief for the IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits. He is also member of the technical program committees of the International Solid State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), the European Solid State Circuit Conference (ESSCIRC), and the Symposium on VLSI circuits. He is co-recipient of the ISSCC 2002 "Van Vessem Outstanding Paper Award", is distinguished lecturer of the IEEE, elected member of IEEE-SSCS AdCom and is IEEE fellow.